Tag Archives: Bathing Dresses

Bathing Dresses, 1867

DescriptionEnglish: Bathing dresses from Godey’s Lady’s Book, July, 1867

Fig. 1.—Dress of scarlet flannel, trimmed with a plaiting of black flannel, bound with white braid. The pants are full, and have elastic bands on the edge in order to confine them to the leg. The dress is made with a yoke, and perfectly loose, being caught into the waist by means of a scarlet belt. The cap is of oiled silk, trimmed with scarlet and black.

Fig 2 —Dress of scarlet and black bathing cloth. The long gored paletôt is turned up with scarlet flannel cut in scallops and edged with black braid. The hair is covered with an oiled silk cap, trimmed with scarlet. The hat is of black glazed cloth, trimmed with scarlet.
SourceGodey’s Lady’s Book (https://archive.org/details/godeys-1867-v-75/page/n3/mode/2up?view=theater)