Tag Archives: Cavalieri (Giovanni Battista de’)

The Tiber

DescriptionEnglish: “Image of the Tiber River in marble, the work of an excellent artist, in the Vatican garden of the Popes in Rome.”
Latina: Tiberis Fluvii simulacrum è marmore excellentis artificis opus, in Vaticano Pontificum viridario Romae.
SourceAntiqvarvm statvarvm vrbis Romae primvs et secvndvs liber (https://archive.org/details/antiqvarvmstatva121cava/page/n29/mode/2up)
AuthorGiovanni Battista de’Cavalieri


DescriptionEnglish: “Statue of Laocoon, made from marble with wondrous art, in the Pontifical garden, Rome, not as described by Virgil or Pliny but after the description of the Greek Poets.”
Latina: Laocoontis signum e marmore mira arte factum in Pontificio viridario, Romae non quale à Virgilio, ac Plinio, sed cuiusmodi à Gracis Poetis describitur.
SourceAntiqvarvm statvarvm vrbis Romae primvs et secvndvs liber (https://archive.org/details/antiqvarvmstatva121cava/page/n29/mode/2up)
AuthorGiovanni Battista de’Cavalieri