Tag Archives: Gilpin (Charles S.)

Charles S. Gilpin as “The Emperor Jones”

DescriptionEnglish: Charles S. Gilpin in his role as “The Emperor Jones,” photographed by James Abbe. “Eugene O’Neill’s remarkable playlet, ‘The Emperor Jones’ done by the ambitious Provincetown Players in Greenwich Village, brought forward a splendid negro actor, Charles S. Gilpin. From printers’ devil to barnstorming, Gilpin fought his way to the New York stage, arriving as the faithful slave in ‘Abraham Lincoln.’ The Provincetown Players had the courage to give him his opportunity in the O’Neill study in primitive fear, revolving around a Pullman porter who becomes emperor of a South Sea isle.”
SourceShadowland (https://archive.org/details/Shadowland0306/page/n35/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorJames Abbe