Tag Archives: Melodrama


DescriptionEnglish: “Avaunt! Approach not the Victim of thy Treachery, nor contaminate by thy unhallowed presence, the Sanctitude of this Assylum”: Frontispiece to a novel published in Pittsburgh in 1808
SourceThe Lawyer, or, Man as he ought not to be (https://archive.org/details/lawyerormanasheo00watt/page/n5/mode/2up)
AuthorIllustration credited to “Baralett”; engraver illegible

Furnished via Mail Order from the Oriental Emporium of Keokuk

English: Satirical depiction of a scene from an “oriental” movie. Caption: “The sheiks’ tents look as though they had been furnished via mail order from the Oriental Emporium of Keokuk.”
Source Picture-Play, 1922 (https://archive.org/stream/Picture-playMagazineDec.1922/PicturePlay1222#page/n67/mode/1up)
Author Anonymous illustrator