Tag Archives: Painting

St. Luke the Evangelist Painting the Virgin and Child

DescriptionEnglish: St. Luke the Evangelist painting the Virgin and Child, with his symbol the ox lying at his feet
SourceAdapted from the masthead of Revue de l’Art chrétien (https://archive.org/details/revuedelartchr1885lill/page/n11/mode/2up)
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The Watercolorists, by Jules-Frédéric Ballavoine

DescriptionEnglish: “The Watercolorists,” by Jules-Frédéric Ballavoine, reproduced in an album of reproductions from the Paris Salon of 1882
Français : « Les Aquarellistes » par Jules-Frédéric Ballavoine
SourceAlbum artistique et biographique (https://archive.org/details/albumartistiquee1882fran/page/n25/mode/2up)
AuthorJules-Frédéric Ballavoine