Tag Archives: Riding

Snow White

DescriptionEnglish: Snow White (Schneewittchen), from a German book of fairy tales
DateBefore 1916
SourceGoldene Märchenpracht (https://archive.org/details/goldenemarchenpr00kron/page/n1/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorProbably Walter Zweigle

No date (the title page of the book may be missing), but the book was presented to the University of Illinois library in 1916.

The Bailiff’s Daughter, by Alice Havers

DescriptionEnglish: “The Bailiff’s Daughter,” by Alice Havers
SourceThe Pall Mall Magazine (https://archive.org/details/pallmallmagazine12lond/page/n5/mode/2up)
AuthorAlice Havers

The date 1897 is the date this picture was reproduced as the frontispiece to the Pall Mall Magazine. Havers died in 1890, so the original date of painting is earlier.