Tag Archives: Riverboats

View of the Steamer “Isaac Newton” Leaving the Wharf (1851)

DescriptionEnglish: View of the Steamer “Isaac Newton” Leaving the Wharf, from an 1851 magazine
SourceGleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion (https://archive.org/details/gleasonspictoria01glea/page/8/mode/2up)
AuthorSigned “Wade”

Text from the original publication: Our artist has represented this fine specimen of American river navigation, just as she was shooting out from her pier, and gathering way tor her trip up the North River. Her length is 345 feet; breadth, 40 1-2 feet; breadth over all, 85 feet. She is 1450 tons burthen. She has a beam engine, wrought iron shafts and cranks, cylinder 82 inches in diameter, and 12 feet stroke. The Isaac Newton is the largest river steamer in the world, and is under the command of Capt. William H. Peck.