Tag Archives: Directors

Charlie Chaplin in 1922

DescriptionEnglish: Portrait of Charlie Chaplin in 1922. “Mr. Chaplin is a symbol. He personifies one of the most basic and powerful instincts of mankind—namely the instinct for humor”
SourcePhotoplay (https://archive.org/details/phojun22chic/page/n173/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorAnonymous photographer at the Strauss-Peyton studio

Hall Caine Visits the Set of “The Christian,” 1922

English: Hall Caine visits the set of The Christian, a film based on his novel. Left to right: Hall Caine, Mae Busch, Maurice Tourneur, and Richard Dix
Source Picture-Play, 1922 (https://archive.org/stream/Picture-playMagazineDec.1922/PicturePlay1222#page/n69/mode/1up)
Author Anonymous photographer