Tag Archives: Floor Plans

Suburban Residence by Isaac H. Hobbs

Suburban residence

“The above design is very perfect in its plan, and contains all the requirements for internal comforts, with considerable stylishness externally. It is of a model which is much used, and the beauty will depend upon the proportion of its parts and the correctness of its detail.”

First story

First Story.—A parlor, 1.3 feet by 30 feet 3 inches; B hall, 13 feet by 13 feet; C sitting-room, 13 feet by 16 feet 9 inches; D dining-room, 12 feet by 24 feet 6 inches; E kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; F scullery, 8 feet 9 inches by 14 feet; G, H, porch.

Second story

Second Story.—I chamber, 15 feet 10 inches by 11 feet 8 inches; J chamber, 16 feet 10 inches by 13 feet; K chamber, 13 feet 8 inches by 13 feet; L chamber, 12 feet by 20 feet; M chamber, 11 feet 3 inches by 16 feet 8 inches.

DescriptionEnglish: Design for a house by Isaac H. Hobbs.
SourceGodey’s Lady’s Book (https://archive.org/details/godeys-1867-v-75/page/272/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorIsaac H. Hobbs