Tag Archives: Houses

Two Designs by Stillburg & Staub

Bissell Block
DescriptionEnglish: Design by Joseph Stillburg and partner for a commercial building in Pittsburgh
SourceAmerican Architect and Building News
AuthorJoseph Stillburg and Leo Staub
Schwartz or Schwab Residence
DescriptionEnglish: Design by Joseph Stillburg and partner for a house in Pittsburgh
SourceThe American Architect and Building News
AuthorJoseph Stillburg and Leo Staub

The name of the client is given as Schwartz on the illustration, but as Schwab in the text of the magazine.

House by Charles M. Bartberger

DescriptionEnglish: Architect’s drawing of the J. J. Matthews House, East Liberty, Pittsburgh, by Charles M. Bartberger
SourceThe American Architect and Building News (https://archive.org/details/sim_american-architect-and-architecture_1903-04-04_80_1423/page/n19/mode/2up)
AuthorCharles M. Bartberger

This house still stands; Father Pitt has pictures of it in its current condition.

The House of a Thousand Candles

DescriptionEnglish: Image from an advertisement for the silent mystery The House of a Thousand Candles (1915), with the text removed
SourceAdvertisement in Moving Picture World (https://archive.org/details/movingpicturewor25newy/page/n1567/mode/2up?view=theater)

The original text is below. This version is reconstructed in Inkscape from an imperfectly scanned original.

Suburban Residence by Isaac H. Hobbs

Suburban residence

“The above design is very perfect in its plan, and contains all the requirements for internal comforts, with considerable stylishness externally. It is of a model which is much used, and the beauty will depend upon the proportion of its parts and the correctness of its detail.”

First story

First Story.—A parlor, 1.3 feet by 30 feet 3 inches; B hall, 13 feet by 13 feet; C sitting-room, 13 feet by 16 feet 9 inches; D dining-room, 12 feet by 24 feet 6 inches; E kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; F scullery, 8 feet 9 inches by 14 feet; G, H, porch.

Second story

Second Story.—I chamber, 15 feet 10 inches by 11 feet 8 inches; J chamber, 16 feet 10 inches by 13 feet; K chamber, 13 feet 8 inches by 13 feet; L chamber, 12 feet by 20 feet; M chamber, 11 feet 3 inches by 16 feet 8 inches.

DescriptionEnglish: Design for a house by Isaac H. Hobbs.
SourceGodey’s Lady’s Book (https://archive.org/details/godeys-1867-v-75/page/272/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorIsaac H. Hobbs

An Italian Villa by Isaac H. Hobbs

English: Design for an “Italian Villa” by Isaac H Hobbs, 1866, from Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine
Source Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine, 1866
Author Isaac H. Hobbs

Isaac H. Hobbs would later design the Dollar Bank on Fourth Avenue in Pittsburgh.