Tag Archives: Ink Sticks

Ink Sticks

DescriptionEnglish: A selection of imported ink sticks from 1897
SourceMackey Print Paper Co. catalogue (https://archive.org/details/cataloguepriceli00mack/page/178/mode/2up)

A, Indian, Oblong, Black and Gold Lattice Work; B, Indian Oblong, Golden Royal Twin Storks; C, Chinese, Oblong, Village, Black, Green and Gold; D. Chinese, Oblong, Black, Gold, Green and Blue; E, Indian, Oblong, Black, Gold and Silver; F, Indian, Oval, Black and Gold; G, Chinese, Oblong, Black, Gold and Silver; H, Chinese, Oblong, Golden Dragon; I, Chinese, Oblong, Black, Golden Rose; J, Chinese, Oblong, Black and Gold; K, Chinese, Oblong, Gold, Blue and Green; L, Chinese, Oblong, Black, Green and Gold; M, Chinese, Oblong, Gold and Blue, with Dragon; N, Indian, Oval, Gold; O, Chinese, Oblong, Black and Gold; P, Chinese, Oblong, Black, with Golden Serpent; Q, Emerald Green, Chinese, Oblong; U, Prussian Blue, Chinese, Oblong.