Tag Archives: Plummer (Ethel)

Ethel Plummer at the Ziegfeld Follies, 1921

“One of the beautiful moments of the new Ziegfeld Follies is ‘The Legend of the Cyclamen Tree,’ created by James Reynolds. This fantasy of Persia in the 12th century is danced by Florence O’Denishawn.”

“The recent championship ring battle comes in for some strenuous kidding in the Follies, when Ray Dooley portrays Jack Dempsey, while Fannie Brice satirizes Georges Carpentier.”

“W . C. Fields, who this season graduates from a comic juggler into a straight comedian. He is here portrayed as the deacon in ‘The Professor’ number.”

“Raymond Hitchcock, principal funmaker of the Follies.”

DescriptionEnglish: Sketches from the 1921 Ziegfeld Follies by Ethel Plummer
SourceShadowland (https://archive.org/details/Shadowland0502Images/page/n47/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorEthel McClellan Plummer