Description | English: “The Bouquet,” by Arthur Rackham, from an advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap |
Date | 6 September 2021, 21:11:36 |
Source | Advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap in The Delineator ( |
Author | Arthur Rackham |
Tag Archives: Rackham (Arthur)
Samplers and Flower Watercolors, by Arthur Rackham
Description | English: Samplers and Flower Watercolors, by Arthur Rackham, from an advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap |
Date | 1924 |
Source | Advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap in The Delineator ( |
Author | Arthur Rackham |
Cashmere Bouquet, by Arthur Rackham
Description | English: Rose arbor and rose bouquet, by Arthur Rackham, from an advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap |
Date | 1924 |
Source | Advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap in The Delineator ( |
Author | Arthur Rackham |
A Garden of Old, by Arthur Rackham
Description | English: “A Garden of old. Moonlight. Romance.” Illustration “painted especially for Colgate & Co. by Arthur Rackham,” from an advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap. |
Date | 1923 |
Source | Advertisement for Cashmere Bouquet soap in The Delineator ( |
Author | Arthur Rackham |