Tag Archives: Van Buren (Raeburn)

When She Saw the Expression…, by R. Van Buren

When she saw the expression that lay in young Major Grantham’s eyes she stopped, almost as though poised for flight
DescriptionEnglish: “When she saw the expression that lay in young Major Grantham’s eyes she stopped, almost as though poised for flight,” by R. Van Buren, illustrating “Miss Dumbbell” by Adela Rogers St. Johns.
SourcePhotoplay (https://archive.org/details/phojun22chic/page/n417/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorRaeburn van Buren

“Trouble with You Is You’re Just a Nice Pretty Girl,” by R. Van Buren

“Trouble with you is you’re just a nice pretty girl. And it’s not enough, not in this rhinestone Bohemia, anyway. Everybody’s more or less pretty out here and nobody wants you to be nice.”
DescriptionEnglish: “Trouble with you is you’re just a nice pretty girl,” by R. Van Buren, illustrating “Miss Dumbbell” by Adela Rogers St. Johns.
SourcePhotoplay (https://archive.org/details/phojun22chic/page/n415/mode/2up?view=theater)
AuthorRaeburn Van Buren