Tag Archives: Grotesque

Two Frames by Aubrey Beardsley

DescriptionEnglish: Decorations by Aubrey Beardsley from the 1894 Dent edition of Le Morte d’Arthur, as reprinted in The Early Works of Aubrey Beardsley
Date1894 (reprinted 1899)
SourceThe Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley (https://archive.org/details/earlyworkofaubre00bear_0/mode/2up)
AuthorAubrey Beardsley
These scalable frames can be used at any size.

Two-Color Grotesque Headpiece

DescriptionEnglish: Two-color grotesque headpiece, light violet-blue and yellow-green
SourceAdapted from The Color Printer (https://archive.org/details/gri_c00033125008234680/page/n273/mode/2up)
This scalable ornament can be used at any size. It should be a trivial thing to change the two colors to any colors you desire.